masa seca

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masa seca
dry weight
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Phonetic: "/dɹaɪ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The process by which something is dried.

Example: This towel is still damp: I think it needs another dry.

Definition: A prohibitionist (of alcoholic beverages).

Definition: (with "the") The dry season.

Definition: An area of waterless country.

Definition: (UK politics) A radical or hard-line Conservative; especially, one who supported the policies of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s.

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Phonetic: "/dɹaɪ/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To lose moisture.

Example: The clothes dried on the line.

Definition: To remove moisture from.

Example: Devin dried her eyes with a handkerchief.

Definition: To be thirsty.

Definition: To exhaust; to cause to run dry.

Definition: For an actor to forget his or her lines while performing.

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Phonetic: "/dɹaɪ/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Free from or lacking moisture.

Example: This towel's dry. Could you wet it and cover the chicken so it doesn't go dry as it cooks?

Definition: Unable to produce a liquid, as water, oil, or (farming) milk.

Example: This well is as dry as that cow.

Definition: Built without or lacking mortar.

Definition: Anhydrous: free from or lacking water in any state, regardless of the presence of other liquids.

Example: Dry alcohol is 200 proof.

Definition: Athirst, eager.

Definition: Free from or lacking alcohol or alcoholic beverages.

Example: Of course it's a dry house. He was an alcoholic but he's been dry for almost a year now.

Definition: Describing an area where sales of alcoholic or strong alcoholic beverages are banned.

Example: You'll have to drive out of this dry county to find any liquor.

Definition: Free from or lacking embellishment or sweetness, particularly:

Definition: (somewhat derogatory) Involving computations rather than work with biological or chemical matter.

Definition: (of a sound recording) Free from applied audio effects.

Definition: Without a usual complement or consummation; impotent.

Example: never dry fire a bow; dry humping her girlfriend; making a dry run

Definition: Of a mass, service, or rite: involving neither consecration nor communion.

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Phonetic: "/weɪt/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: (physical) Matter, material.

Definition: A large quantity; a sum.

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Phonetic: "/weɪt/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The Eucharist, now especially in Roman Catholicism.

Definition: Celebration of the Eucharist.

Definition: (usually as the Mass) The sacrament of the Eucharist.

Definition: A musical setting of parts of the mass.

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Phonetic: "/weɪt/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The force on an object due to the gravitational attraction between it and the Earth (or whatever astronomical object it is primarily influenced by).

Definition: An object used to make something heavier.

Definition: A standardized block of metal used in a balance to measure the mass of another object.

Definition: Importance or influence.

Definition: An object, such as a weight plate or barbell, used for strength training.

Example: He's working out with weights.

Definition: (lubricants) viscosity rating.

Definition: Mass (atomic weight, molecular weight, etc.) (in restricted circumstances)

Definition: (measurement) Mass (net weight, troy weight, carat weight, etc.).

Definition: A variable which multiplies a value for ease of statistical manipulation.

Definition: The smallest cardinality of a base.

Definition: The boldness of a font; the relative thickness of its strokes.

Definition: (visual art) The relative thickness of a drawn rule or painted brushstroke, line weight.

Definition: (visual art) The illusion of mass.

Definition: (visual art) The thickness and opacity of paint.

Definition: Pressure; burden.

Example: the weight of care or business

Definition: The resistance against which a machine acts, as opposed to the power which moves it.

Definition: Shipments of (often illegal) drugs.

Example: He was pushing weight.

Definition: One pound (1 lb) of drugs, especially cannabis.

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Phonetic: "/weɪt/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To add weight to something; to make something heavier.

Definition: To load, burden or oppress someone.

Definition: To assign weights to individual statistics.

Definition: To bias something; to slant.

Definition: To handicap a horse with a specified weight.

Definition: To give a certain amount of force to a throw, kick, hit, etc.

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